Monday, June 25, 2012

"Dennis the Menace"

Sorry for the blurry pictures, most of these were taken with my phone and I was trying to hurry!
"Dennis" climbs to the top of the Chic-fil-a kids play center unassisted, did I mention Grant didn't even attempt this until 2?

 While washing dishes, I kept hearing a "cling" I look to find this..

 Yep.. just as suspected.. GUILTY, he threw toys in the garbage (pardon our trash!).
 ... and goes back for more.
 These next few pictures....  they are just cute..he wasn't being mischievous

 well... until he got up on the ottoman by himself and then sits on the very edge.. ah he stresses me out.
 My new favorite face, this is what he does when he leans in for a kiss!
 And he loves Grant's "Buzz Lightyear wing pack", you would think it would weigh him down since its twice his size, NOPE.. he just pushes the button and climbs and as he climbs you hear "To Infinity... and Beyond"

 And some more climbing.. this time he gets IN the puzzle box to try to get to Brother's potato head.  Grant put it up there because Cole kept taking it apart...
 Poor Grant....  Cole got it anyways.

 Harassing the cat...

 Oh and if you notice.. he turned the TV on too.
But all in all...  even being a little stinker... he does have his sweet moments too, I mean.. how can you NOT love this face?
And... just because Im tired of him being left out of my posts.. my sweet Grant!  SUCH.A.GOOD.BOY!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

love those chubby cheeks leaning in for a kiss!!!

and love mini-buzz lightyear too! :)