Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Wow.. we had a fun filled weekend full of family!
Saturday was "Papa G's" bday and we had the family over for the day and I made a big Mexican Fiesta!

YUM.... Taco Dip! You always know where to find Me and Kelly!

We put all the kiddo's in Grants baby pool.. they had a great time!!!

Grant loves his new patio! I cant wait to do a final post of that.. we're still landscaping!

Aunt Rhonda entertained while I finished cooking!


Grant and Papa

Papa wanted a picture with all of his Grandbabies.... It took SEVERAL TRIES


AW... giving Papa some Birthday Lovin!

Whats a fiesta without a pinata? We figured the birthday boy should have to crack it open!

And oh did he! Two swings and it was open.. notice the head over in the bushes!!!
Grant helped Papa pick up the candy!

EWWWWWWWWWW.... look how nasty that pool water got.. what dirty little boys!
Me and all the boys!

Franklin's Aunt Camille is in town from Wyoming and she came with Grandma and Ron to see Grant! Franklin's brother Sam and his girlfriend Rachel also came over!! We grilled out and had a wonderful time! Grandma got in some good "Grant time" which was a great break for me!

Sweet baby loves his new pool!

... and a popsicle too!

Then he got seranaded by Ron and Uncle Sam!

.. .and a little more Grandma time!

And thats all ..... it was fun times.. but I'm partied out!


Emily G. said...

Wow, your back patio looks great!! It's HUGE!!! :)

We will definitely have to put the boys in the pool together soon!

PS I think you have more visitors/relatives than anyone I know!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

We had so much fun!!! Thanks for the great cooking and hosting the party! You are awesome!