Saturday, December 19, 2009

A little bit tired!

Sorry for not blogging lately! We've all had the "crud" and I've been up to my elbows in laundry, making chicken soup, and lots of cuddling with Grant! Let me just say that I suddenly remember what having a newborn is like. Holy Moly... Thursday night I got to go out with some friends to celebrate Mary Leigh's birthday and I was WAY PASSED due for a girls night! I got home about 9:15 and didnt get in bed until about 10, which you all know is seriously partying for this girl! Anyways, would you know that Grant started crying at 11? I went upstairs, rocked him and put him back down. I didnt even get his door closed and he was screaming again! That child did NOT go back to sleep until 2:45am. I feel like a total zombie. Im still not really sure what was wrong with him. He would rub his jaws and cry, so it makes me feel like his teeth hurt, so I gave him some Motrin. He was also saying "Eat, Eat, Eat". I thought, this is weird because Franklin sd he ate good. So I did something I never do, I went and got him some milk and he drank 7 ozs. So either the child was truly hungry or the cold milk felt good to his teeth! Whatever.. he only slept till about 7:30 that morning and seemed totally fine! It never fails though.. everytime I go somewhere or stay out late, you can guarantee.. he's gonna get up! Oh well. I love him anyways! I put up a few new pictures my Dad took of him I thought were cute!

This is my Dads HUGE "Merry Christmas" sign out in his yard!

This is one of my all time faves.. Grants "Mean Face"!


The Overstreets said...

LOVE the "mean face"! It's way more adorable than mean!

Will did the same thing that night after ML's dinner. Only he woke up at 3:30AM. I went in rocked him, gave him some water and then he was fine. Who knows!?

Ashley said...

So sorry that is was a hectic week with Grant. Teething can definitely be a nightmare.:(
We missed you both on Thursday at Taco Bell. We'll defnitely do it again!
Have a very merry Christmas!
Loved Grant's adorable PJs!

Simmons Family said...

those are such cute pictures! I am so glad Grant is feeling better!! I know yall are going ot have a great Christmas with him!!