Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A lot of "Christmasing"

Buckle up .. you're in for an adventure.. this could take a while!
Boy oh boy did we have a busy week last week! We had two playdates, a visit to Opryland Hotel (both of those will have its own post!) and 4 different Christmas celebrations to attend, not including Christmas with just the 3 of us! Needless to say we are beyond pooped! Grant has been sleeping until 8 almost everyday, which has NEVER happened!
I hate to put all the pictures in a slide show (because I feel like you dont really get to see them good) but considering the fact that I took 145 pictures (I narrowed it down to about 40) .. I felt like that was the easiest way!

We started off on Christmas Eve by heading to Cookeville. We made our first stop at "Grandma and Pa Ron's" .. being that it was mild weather Grant got to go outside with Grandma and Uncle Sam to see the fish and frogs in the pond! He also got to go for a nice swing with Gma and Pa! Uncle Sam got his guitar out and Grant would go up to him and say "Tar Tar".. Sam was kind enough to let him play with it! Grandma had tons of delicious food to munch on and Grant got to curl up and watching Finding Nemo (for the 1 millionth time) and unwrap presents!! It was lots of fun!

Then we headed to Gpa's house.. .oh boy... it looked like "Chrismas Vacation".. I felt pretty certain we were at Clark Griswald's house!!! That is one man crazy about his Grandson! He had lights, garland, dancing Santas, snowmen, and a snow village... I have never seen so much stuff! The funniest part was.. the gifts.. OH MY.. between the 5 adults.. Grant's stack literally filled the den! There is a picture of it.. it was hilarious! You should've seen us trying to pack up the truck to come home.. it was crazy! Frank had some great food as well and little Grant made it till about 9 and he got goofy tired so we loaded him up and headed home!

Christmas morning we had to wake Grant up at 8:10.. I dont think I've ever had to wake him up! We brought him downstairs and he sd "Santa".. I sd "Yes .. Santa came".. he was still sleepy and couldnt really figure out exactly what was going on.. but he managed to find a sucker in his stocking.. and well. .. that just started the morning off right! He got on his 4-wheeler and took off.. it was hilarious! I was surprised he figured it out! He loved all of his gifts and we had a great morning! Its so much fun having a child on Christmas! He's the best gift I've ever received!

Then we headed over to Papa and DeeDee's for a huge spread! It was SO DELCIOUS! Poor Uncle Richard was sitting on the couch eating a cookie and of course here comes Grant and swipes his cookie in mid bite!!! HAHAHA! You gotta watch my kid when it comes to cookies! Look close.. I managed to get it on camera! DeeDee and Papa got us a swimming pool for Christmas.. a big 10x30 pool!!!!! So friends.. come on over this summer! BTW.. check out the pictures of Papa and DeeDee with the boys.. hysterical.. everyone of them were screaming.. and in one of them.. you cant even see Grants head!

And last but definately not least we headed over to Buddy and Grandaddy's for a fabo celebration! Again.. more delicious food and bountiful presents! We were sorry that Kelly, little Tol, and Yates couldnt make it due to a stomach virus, we missed them! After everyone left Franklin, Grant, and I stayed and played Yatzee with Granny and Gpa.. it was a lot of fun!

I'm still not sure what we're gonna do with all of Grant's stuff! I'm thinking that with the money I got.. possibly floor the attic!!! With the money that Grant got.. we're gonna get him a membership to the Discovery Center!!!! Super excited about that! Lord knows he doesnt need anymore toys!

Well.. thats it... lots of visiting, family, and gifts.. we are so blessed to have such a wonderful family! We tend to lose the meaning of Christmas due to all the madness.. but as we wrapped it all up .. Saturday night as I snuggled in bed I remembered that none of this was possible without the love and sacrifices of Jesus! I'm so excited we have the freedom to celebrate his birth and life!
Enjoy the slide show! Sorry its so long!


mary leigh said...

holy moly!

just let nick know when you wanna floor the attic and he will come help. i'll just come over and play! :o)

Ashley said...

Great pictures and beautiful memories!