Friday, January 7, 2011

The Joys of Potty Training

Check out my little stud muffin in his new "Unda-wea" as he calls it! The past week and a half we have been potty training. I have to admit being a Mother is the most rewarding and wonderful job I have ever had, but I have to say that Potty Training has been my least favorite and definately NON glamerous part of Mothering! I seeked advice from many book/websites and mostly friends! A big THANK YOU to Emily and Casey for all of the texts/emails/calls of encouragement and advice!

We started out by getting "Potty Ready" by getting an "Elmo goes Potty" DVD which Grant loved and I have to admit is pretty funny, plenty of reading material for the bathroom, many pairs of fun underwear, a Potty Chart for "Way to go and OH NO'S" to show our progress and two Candy Jars.. one for "Tee Tee Treats"(Skittles) and one for "Poopy Treats" (M&M's)
We started off last Monday... and I had NO IDEA what I was in for! He used the potty 14 times and had 4 accidents, not bad! I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. Tuesday was an awesome day, no accidents at all but again, I was still taking him to the potty every 15-30 minutes. THEN CAME WEDNESDAY.... Oh Wednesday.. this was the worst of them all. I had forgotten something important that Casey told me and that was "It gets worse before it gets better".. I figured, he didnt have any accidents yesterday, he should be good today too! WRONG. You name it, he did it in his little unda-weah's! His attitude was "I dont care" and nothing seemed to inspire him. However, as the week progressed so did he. We were dang near stir crazy being stuck in the house for 4 days so Franklin came home and let me go to the gym and let off some steam! Then we ventured out for dinner and he did GREAT! We are slowly but surely getting there! He has only had one accident (yesterday) since Saturday! Very proud of him. I still have to remind him, he's not great at telling me and we have to go potty everywhere we go (Thank you Emily for the travel potty seat!) but hopefully in the next week or so we'll be trained! And as Casey sd "The book that say it takes 2-3 days.. its ALL LIES"! Well.. that is if you're kid is under 2 1/2!
Here is a picture of our potty chart.. you can see we started losing interest!

And I couldn't resist this picture.. hysterical! We may have a new Calvin Klein model.. Strike a Pose!


The Overstreets said...

Yay for G and YAY for YOU!!!!! Aren't they so cute in their undies!? Another friend of mine called yesterday going through the same thing - it's tough! Oh the joys of motherhood! Call me anytime and let's do a playdate soon!

Jessica said...

Love his modeling photo!!! He is such a big boy...maybe he can teach Kayleigh how to potty train one day! I am pretty sure he should have been modeling his cookie monster underwear!

Emily G. said...

oh dear....that last pic....such a stud!!!! LOL

you are doing an awesome job & I am proud of you for being so "tough!" :)

and believe me, you will be sooooooooooooo glad you got this out of the way before violet comes!!!

Elicia said...

BAHAHA! Thank you for that last photo!! Girl we are all in this together. And just remember it WILL happen. So don't stress about it. He's doing WAY better than when we started with Tristan. You are doing great! Good luck!

Ashley said...

Dear Grant,
Great job on potty training! I am on my second day and doing good too!:)
I think we have the same CAR undies!
Your friend,
PS. Next time you see me I'll be in big boy pants!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

Love it! I am so proud of him....and YOU!! BTW, he is so stinkin' cute in his undies!