Saturday, July 30, 2011

4 Months

Time is going by quickly, our sweet Cole just turned 4 months old! He's an absolute joy in our life! He wakes up smiling and cooing unless he's hungry or tired. I've noticed alot of new milestones within the past few weeks!

He loves his playmat, he is starting to grab the toys that hang from the top. He loves grabbing rattles and his passie. He also likes to chew on his feet too!
The other day he was on his mat and I noticed it got quiet and I found this...

Sweet baby played himself to sleep! Most of the time he is doing this...

He also is enjoying his Bumbo seat! He loves to be able to see whats going on at all times, esp if big brother is around.

He loves his exersaucer, which I failed to post a picture of and he's also enjoying his jumparoo!

Cole loves to watch his big brother... I've realized now that having two kids is to your advantage, they can entertain each other!

Cole is a great sport, I often come in the room finding Cole covered in toys.. this particular day Grant was sharing his Spiderman sticker!

We have also started cereal..he's not real sure of it but he is doing great at eating it. Its weird to me that he's already in a high chair :(

I kept having to cancel his 3 month pictures so I decided to take some myself, this was his last week of being 3 months old!

No.. he does not have red hair.. it just looks like it in this picture! As a matter of fact, most of his hair is falling out.

We love our sweet boy, happy 4 months!!!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

can't believe he's already 4 mo!!! I do remember being super happy when abby reece hit that age....b/c she was finally big enough and enjoyed being all the "apparatuses!" :) a lifesaver for sure.

BOTH of your boys have the beautiful eyes btw!!