Monday, July 11, 2011

Quirky Bird

Grant is growing like a weed and as he approaches 3 years of age (which is still hard for me to swallow) I get more and more amazed at things he says to me on a daily basis. Everything he does ends in "like a big boy". He wants to sit "like a big boy" (no more high chair), walk in the grocery store "like a big boy", get in the car "like a big boy", clean up his toys "like a big boy" etc. etc. In a way this is WONDERFUL but can also be trying at times and takes a ton of patience. But the biggest part, to me, is how observant he has become and all of the 100 questions that come with the smallest task. He's interested in knowing "What's his/her name" to every person we pass or see on tv, and the question of "WHY"? He's so stinking quirky on all of his comments.. so I started writing down some of our conversations and they go a little something like this:

I'm in the bathroom trying to get ready and I'm puttin on deo.
G: "Mommy, what is that, what are you doing".
Me: "Its deo. and its only for grown ups, you're a kid, you don't need any yet"
G: Yah.. its for "growed mens" and .. and... and for you Mommy" (As if Im super stinky or something).

G: Oh Mommy, your toes arent pink anymore, you need to paint them
Me: I will Grant, not right now, later
G: No, you really need to do it now. (Gee thanks Grant)
a few hours later after his nap we were sitting on the steps outside
Me: Look Grant, Mommy painted her toes, are you happy now?
G: Yah Mom, it looks so much better

G: Hey Daddy, I took a good nap today, did you?
F: Yes Grant, I did have a good nap
G: Did you teetee in your bed Daddy?
F: (Trying hard not to laugh) No Buddy, I didnt
G: Oh.. dats a good job Daddy

G: EWWWWWWW.. Baby Cole.. don't "swobber" on me, dats not berry nice we don't spit

Eating supper..
Me: Grant, EAT YOUR SUPPER or you can't have your special treat
G: Dat's Fine Mom
Me: Seriously Grant, you need to finish your supper
G: Mom, I dont care if I dont get a treat

Grant is fighting me on taking a nap
Me: Grant you have to take a nap, its not an option
G: No Mom, don't talk to me dat way

We went to the store and I let him pick out his own cheese
G: Hey Daddy, I picked out my own cheese today
F: Yah.. what kind did you get
G: Um.. I got some "Cody Jack" and its really good

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

love that little booger!!!