Saturday, March 14, 2009

PUMP IT UP!!!!!!

Yesterday my Mom and I took Grant and his cousin Tol to Pump It Up in Franklin! This place was SO COOL! They have tons of different inflatable jumpy things with obstacle courses in them! On Friday's they have a special time from 10-12 for children preschool age and under! Its $7 for age 1 and up and let me say.. ITS WORTH IT! The adults can play for free too! WOW.... I had a blast but Im SO OUT OF SHAPE! I have bruises all over me and my bones are sore this morning! I guess thats from the back handspring I did... Yes I know.. IM TOO OLD! Here are some pictures from our day!

This slide gave me butterflies!!! Yes.. I went down three times! I took Grant with me once! He didnt know what to think!

My friend, Emily, let me borrow her son's Stage and Grant LOVES IT! It's also helping him learn to sit up on his own! He played for 45 minutes with this the other night! THANK YOU EMILY!


Ashley said...

Pump it up, looks cool!:) After going down that slide, Grant will be ready for the slide at the playground in the mall!:)

Emily G. said...

SO FUN! I think there is a place in town called Bounce U that is similar. We will need to go sometime! Glad you guys had so much fun!

And...keep the sound stage as long as you'd like! I'm glad Grant likes it!! :)

The Overstreets said...

The sing along stage is/was one of Will's favorite too. Hours of entertainment - so nice for mommies! Pump it up sounds like fun! We'll have to check it out.