Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yay for Grant!!!!!!!

I have some exciting news! Well.. for me anyways!
By Friday I had had all I could take with Grant and his two 30 minute naps he's been taking and decided NO MORE! So.. .I decided its Naptime Bootcamp for Grant (My friend Emily swears by the naptime bootcamp.. I kept texting her over and over... she kept me strong.. thanks Em)! The Dr sd he should be on two 2hr naps a day. I refreshed myself on the book Babywise and 830.. off to naptime we go. 9am... he's awake.. just like clockwork. I left him in there until he was screaming.. went upstairs gave him his passie.. he closed his eyes and voila... so I thought... this went on every ten minutes until an hour and a half had passed and he finally slept the last half hour. So this morning naptime 830 and at 915 he's up. BUT this time I only went in there 3 times (maybe 4) gave him the passie.. and after the last time he slept till 11:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE! At 1pm went down for nap number two.... woke up at 245!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER had to go back in there! Now.. who's to say that tomorrow wont be another screaming match because he's exhausted from our trip to Columbia yesterday! But I am so proud! ITS AMAZING what a 2 hour break can do for you and how much you can get done! PRAY that he continues to sleep till 630 or 7 am and takes his two hour naps! YAY GRANT!


Emily G. said...

YAY for bootcamp!! Just think if you would have started a month ago!! :)

Now that you KNOW he can do it, it will be even more frustrating when he doesn't. BUT, at least he's proven it's possible!!!!! So, stay strong!

And keep the texts coming... I am happy to help b/c so many people have helped me!

Ashley said...

GREAT JOB GRANT!! :) Isn't it like heaven when they take a long nap?!!

Sonya said...

I'm getting ready to start H on solids... I want to know more about this cooker thingy.