Thursday, March 5, 2009

We've Been Busy!!!!

Its been a very busy week for us! Sorry I'm behind on my blogging! Yesterday was a BUSY day! Grant and I left the house at 7:30 and didnt get home till about 3! We went to my Mom's house so I could go get my hair done (its only been since OCT.. you can imagine the roots I had!) and so Grant could play with his cousin Tol! Little Tol has been potty training and we're SO PROUD OF HIM! I called him Tuesday and told him if he teetee'd and pooped in the potty at Buddy's that "HaHa" had a surprise for him. Little Tol is obsessed with Monster Jam Trucks so I got him the Green Turtle Monster Jam Truck! Shortly after we got there he sd "HAHA.... I just peepee'd and poopoo'd on the potty" and held up his hand for a High 5... of course I bragged on him and sd "GREAT JOB TOL.. Im SO PROUD".. he sd "Yah.. and I pee'd on the seat... and I touched it"... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANKS FOR THE HIGH 5 Bud!!!!!!!! Hahaha.. oh well.. I didnt care I was proud of him! Tol also was teaching Grant his "blessing" he says before dinner and taught him how to say the pledge properly.. see videos! (There's more about our week below!)

So after we left Mom's Grant and I went to Mary Leigh's! Let me just say this... Mary Leigh and I are all about couponing and getting a good deal! She found this massive Meat Sale and called me telling me we couldnt NOT go! So off we went! You can see all the meat we got below.. the pictures dont do it justice! We EACH got about THREE WEEKS (maybe more) of meat for $50 per person! I mean do you realize that some people spend that in a week on meat? We spent over an hour vacuum sealing it!! I only wished I had a picture of Mary Leigh when I handed her a bag (that I THOUGHT I had sealed) and she put hamburger meat in and smashed it all over her shirt.. GOOD SAVE THOUGH! We were so so excited! We got Chicken, Pork (boston butt, pork loin, sausage, and bacon), and Beef!!!!! YAY US!

Here are some random pictures I've been meaning to post!! I just think they're sweet!
This was Grant before we took him to a party last Saturday!

After Bathtime!

Baby its cold outside!!!!! :)


Collins' said...

OMG- you must CALL ME when you find such a good deal! We need some meat! That's great!
Cute pics of Grant... he has the prettiest eyes!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

That is so cute! I love the pic of Tol and Grant, and of course the video. We have such beautiful kids!

Emily G. said...

I have never seen so much meat in my life. Ya'll are hilarious! Hope you got some more good deals today.

PS LOVE the videos of Tol! He is a doll and super smart!!