Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Graduation Day!!!!

TA..DA........ My sweet little baby can swim!!!!!!!!! Last Friday he "Graduated" from ISR! It was such a bittersweet day! What will I do with him during the mornings now? Will I still get a good afternoon nap? hahah... I will actually really miss this class, its amazing to see how fast babies can learn survival skills! Above is a picture of Grant under water as if he had "fallen in".
He had to be put in the pool completely clothed to make sure he could still float and survive with the weight of wet clothes.. let me tell you.. his diaper alone weighed about 15 lbs... goes to show how much you can get out of a diaper! hahah I also had to get in to the water with him the last day! It was SO HARD.. I hated "dropping" him and he looked at me like "NO.. What are you doing to me???" But he still did excellent! I posted a video at the end!!!!
Grant and Cousin Tol floating together!
Me ... Scared to death!
Daddy to the rescue!

Here Kelly placed a jacket over his face to make sure he was able to move it off his face! As you can see... He did!

OOPS... he lost a Croc! Oh and for the record.. that was not his outfit and Im fully aware it doesnt match! I forgot a jacket for him and thats what I found in the car!!! The important part is he's floating unassisted fully clothed!
A little mad at Aunt Kelly.. but he does love her SO MUCH!
SUCKER TIME for excellent floating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeeDee came to watch!

Here is the video! Enjoy


Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

AWWWW! I miss y'all in the mornings :(

Elicia said...

Contrats Grant!! What a trooper! That is SOOOO amazing. I really want to do this with Tristan.

Ashley said...

darn it, I totally meant to ask you about his lessons on the walk today. Maybe I can get the low down next week!
Congrats Grant!!:)

Jayne Weber said...

Hallie! I am so proud of you and little Grant! I can't imagine how hard that must have been to watch but so worth it in the end!! Good for you guys... I'll probably want to do that with baby Anniston when she gets here! :)