Wednesday, September 16, 2009

All In A Days Work... WHEW

You may look at this picture and think.. AW.. what a sweet face.. but to me the only thing I can think of is "Calgon.. take me away"! I can not express how funky and absolutely exhausting the last two weeks have been with Grant. TONS of people told me that things really change when your baby hits one, and yet I still wasnt prepared. Lets start with change #1: ... Tantrums. WHY? Seriously.. is it necessary to arch your back, clinch your fist, and kick your feet over the channel changer? REALLY? Why do you want the ONE THING I dont want you to have when you're in a room with ten thousand toys? Its so hard for me to "keep my cool"... I've simply figured out how to walk out of the room. Change #2: Climbing... what on earth? I feel like my kid is a monkey... he's climbing on EVERYTHING... I do mean EVERYTHING... I was eating with my friend Becky at lunch the other day and he climbed out of his highchair and yet it was still buckled? He's climbing OVER the couch and on TOP of his toys? Exhausting!
Change #3: OBSESSED with opening and closing doors! I've had so many doors slammed in my face or on me the past two weeks its rediculous. NOW.. while Im cooking, he's allowed to get in to ONE cabinet.. thats fine. But when I open the fridge to get something.. dont close it, if Im hanging up clothes its really not necessary for you to shut the door on me and lock me in the closet! I've put cabinet locks on all but two cabinets and you should see how mad he gets when he cant get it open! WOW! Change #4: No more bottles! This was something I really dreaded doing but I have to give him props.. he's done great! We've even eliminated the "night-time" bottle! Change #5: One nap a day.. oh this is so bittersweet. Its been a living nightmare, it really has. He's exhausted by 10am, however when I put him down for his morning nap he would sleep two hours and then only 30 mins for his aft nap, or the other way around. I have to have some sort of relief during the afternoon, its a MUST. SO I thought.. ok.. back to naptime bootcamp we go... its time for "1 a day". He's so cranky and exhausted but he's been taking three hour long naps the past 3 days in a row. Its been MISERABLE trying to keep him occupied because he gets bored so easy. Thank the Lord for my friend Emily inviting me to playdates! Today, on the other hand, was awful. Tantrum after tantrum, followed by a short 2 hour nap and woke up ill as a hornet! I am absolutely exhausted and can not wait to get my very well earned bubble bath.. Calgon.. TAKE ME FAR FAR AWAY!!!!!!!!!
Here are photos from my adventures from 6pm-7:45pm.. and to think why I'm exhausted!

Spaghetti Dinner... As Im thinking of the terrible mess Im having to clean up he looks at me and grins and says "MMMM GOOD"... who could get mad at that?

As I am loading the dishwasher.. he's unloading the cabinets!

Instead of standing in front of our toys to play with them we climb over the couch....

... then on top of our other toys...

Now.. up we go for bathtime! I tell Grant "Come on Buddy.. lets go take our bath".. and he crawls as fast as he can in to the bathroom and opens and closes the door (in my face!) for about fifteen minutes!

To cure the meltdown he was having because I made him stop opening/closing the door.. I thought.. Hmm.. I'll make it fun.. lets have a bubble bath tonight, he'll love that! Who doesn't love a bubble bath, right?
W-R-O-N-G ..... he was SCARED TO DEATH of the bubbles.... who is scared of bubbles? I sd.. "Look Grant.. BUBBLES... FUN.... dont be scared"... he screamed and put his arms around my neck! Yes.. I had to drain the water, wash out the fun bubbles, and start all over!

"terror of the bubbles"

I hate these stupid bubbles :(
I would like to report that I read him a book and put him down peacefully but that would be way to easy! We had a good fifteen minute battle at bedtime! WOW I'M TIRED! (BTW.. for those of you trying to figure out where Franklin was in all of this FANTASTIC FUN... he was out of town at a funeral ... I know he's so sad he missed all the fun!)!


The Overstreets said...

Sorry, but I'm laughing! He is so stinkin' cute! Turning one does bring on HUGE changes. Our boys are so much alike - little monkeys! Fun, but exhausting!

Emily G. said...

those bubble pics are so pitiful (but adorable!!) nate got obsessed with doors around 1 too...and still is, sorry to say.

I know you are exhausted but you are doing a great job!!! stay strong mean mommy!! :)

Leah said...

He is such a cutie. I love his hair!

And I can't get over that he locked you in the closet. Too funny!

Laura said...

I'm sorry but I'm laughing too! I do feel for you though, that makes for a very LONG day, EVERY day! Lol! My favorite pic is the one of him peeking around the bathroom door. :P Also, he looks like a completely different baby in these pictures - sooooo grown up!!!!!!! Adorable Hallie! :)

Ashley said...

I heard once that the average "stay at home" if truly paid would make a six digit definitley would earn it based on your day!
Hang in there!!

Sonya said...

Oh girl. I have had the same experience this week with Hannah... I read your post and almost cried because I know I'm not alone. I have been trying to explain to Kevin how exhausting it is, but your words really just explained it all! Thanks and good luck tomorrow.

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

So funny and so true!!!! Bless you, but I can totally relate :)