Sunday, December 19, 2010

Little Lambs Christmas Party!

Thursday was Grant's Christmas Party at school, I was a tad reluctant on going due to the meltdown he had when we came to the Halloween Party but he did pretty good this time! I was disappointed because they had a singing program for us and they didnt tell the parents, therefore I didn't have my video camera, thank goodness for cellphone videos! When I got there Grant was excited to see me but was scared I was going to leave. He started in the back row (because he's so tall) but slowly inched his way to the front!

The first song was Jingle Bells, then came Twinkle Twinkle.. one of his all time faves! In the video (at the end of this post) you can see a red sweater swaying back and forth but cant make out the faces.. it was a no brainer which one was him, since we know how he jams!

Lastly, they sang Jingle Bells.. so cute! He shook the bells and would shout "HEY" really loud!

After singing they went back to his class for a "gift exchange" and lunch. Grant was so worried I was leaving that he started crying.. but all it took was "If you'll go sit down, you get a present"... he sat right down!

I think this picture of him is so sweet, he looks so precious to me right here! I dont remember why he was standing, whatever.. its a cute pic!

Here is the book exchange!
Opening his gift!

Throwing his paper away..
and ... a Mickey Mouse book, he loved it!
Next came lunch! He went right to his chair and while he was content, I snuck out!
Of course I watched from around the corner! He never even realized that I had gone... give him some chicken, fruit, and cookies... and Mama is TOAST! :)
Here is the video!


Emily G. said...

I feel SO BAD I had your video camera!!! Thanks again though :)

Love all the pics of G's party & glad he cooperated this time!

The pic of the kids eating lunch kills me - they look so grown-up!!

Jessica said...

So glad Grant was good for the Christmas program! his pictures are precious. I love little Christmas programs!