Monday, February 16, 2009

The Birthday Boys!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

This weekend was a big weekend for us! Saturday was our nephew, Yates, 1st bday party and Sunday was Franklin's birthday!
Here was Grant at his first attendance at a bday party!!! He was a tad bit overwhelmed!

This is the poster I made for Yates! It shows him "growing" each month until his 1st bday!

He wasnt too sure what to think of the cake!

Tol was a good big brother and Im pretty sure he enjoyed the cake and party more than Yates!
This is Tol's little "Girlfriend", Riley Baker! She's the sweetest little girl!
And this is Grant.. showing off his new trick! Roll on over bud! We had to strip him down to his onezie.. he's so hot natured!! Once we got him halfway undressed and put him down.. he was a wildman!


Emily G. said...

Yay for wildman Grant!! Can't wait to see him do it - we need to have another playdate soon. Btw - that poster is SUCH a cute idea!! You are a great aunt!

Ashley said...

Love the poster you made! so creative!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

Hey! I LOVE the Madewell family pic and the one of Franklin and Grant. PRECIOUS!!! Thanks for all of your help at the party!!!!!