Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Papa G and DeeDee's

Thank goodness for parents! Franklin has been gone this week to San Antonio for work and I, needing a little help and being chicken to stay home alone, went to my Dad's house to stay for a few days! Its been great having the help, although Grant is teething and been a bit of a grump and SUPER clingy. I can see a white spot on his gums so I imagine it will be any day! Tomorrow we're gonna venture to my Mom's if he's feeling better, and weather permitting, its mighty cold out there! I appreciate the help I get from both sets of my parents, there's nothing better than knowing he's with my parents. I dont like leaving my baby for more than hour or so just to get some "fresh air" but its great knowing I have my parents to help me!
Here are a few pictures "Olan Mills", aka: My Dad, took!


Ashley said...

What great pictures!!:) Noah is cutting his first tooth I feel your pain!:) He has been really fussy and clingy too.

Unknown said...

What a handsome happy bebe!! Give hims kisses for me!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

So adorable! I can't believe how much he is growing! Teething is no fun. Yates is cutting some teeth and this week has been ROUGH!