Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dr. Update!

Yesterday Grant turned 6 months... wasnt he just born last week? Where has the time gone? We went for his 6 mth check up yesterday and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of him! He only got two shots yesterday but on the first one he didnt even cry and on the second one he barely cried! My Mom was with me and she's convinced thats why he was so good! I have to agree! He was absolutely perfect! He's getting super tall too.. he weighed in right at 22 lbs and is 28 1/2 inches long! HEALTHY BOY! Here is a picture of Buddy and Grant! I took it with my phone so its blurry! Thanks for the help Buddy!!!!
Grant was so good he got his 1st cookie!!! Its a Biter Cookie for Infants!! He LOVED IT!


Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

AWW! Sweet baby! He is going to outgrow Yates before we know it!!!

The Overstreets said...

What a brave boy! I can't believe he weighs the same as Will (who is 17 months)! We need to get our boys together for a playdate...

Emily G. said...

He's so tough!! :)

Nate loved those biter biscuit/cookies too. They entertained him for awhile, since they take so long to eat. But MAN are they messy!!